SNO offers a free app that you can download to access your site’s FLOW content and easily upload photos to FLOW's Media Library from your smartphone. Search “SNO FLOW” in the App Store or Google Play to download the app.
The FLOW app has less functionality that the web application, but can be useful for uploading images from a phone to the Media Library, looking at stories, deadlines, and messages, or receiving notifications and adjusting notification settings.
Story List View
From this screen you can see the list of stories available. Click on a headline to enter the Story View for that particular story.
Story View
From this screen you can see assignment types, story tags, the story status, the different assignment types, any photos uploaded to the story, and a button that will allow you to access the Google Doc. Note: Photos cannot be uploaded to a story from the FLOW app. You can upload image files to the media library in the gallery view, but those will need to be added to the story on an internet browser.
Calendar View
This is a calendar view list of upcoming deadlines. If you click on the story from the calendar it will take you that story’s story view.
Gallery View/Photos
This view will show you all of the images in your FLOW gallery. You can also upload photos, captions and bylines to the gallery directly from your phone.
Note For iPhone users: the default photo file type on iPhones is a HEIC file. That is not supported by Wordpress, so those photos will not work for your stories. Make sure to adjust the settings on your iPhone so that it is shooting JPG or PNG files if you plan to upload directly from your iPhone. You can also take a screenshot of an HEIC image on your phone to create a JPG.
More App Options
From this screen you can access your profile (to further customize which push notifications you receive via the FLOW app), your messages (also available by clicking the envelope icon in the upper right corner), your notifications (also available by clicking the bell icon in the upper right corner), view the FLOW Privacy Policy, or logout of the app.