Editing an Assignment
Once a staff member has completed their work on the story they will click the Submit to Workflow button in the upper right corner. The first person or group of people in the workflow will then receive a notification that the story has been submitted to them for approval. They can access the story by clicking the View Google Doc button and view the caption/byline on the photos by clicking each one on the bottom portion of the screen.
If the editor approves the piece, they can click the Approve and Submit Next button in the upper right corner, but if there are things that the writer/staff member needs to correct they can click the Return for Revisions button in the upper left corner. Those revisions may be noted directly in the Google Doc for the written piece, and could be called out either in the Notes or Chat for any multimedia* assignments. If an assignment is returned for revisions, the person assigned to that story will receive a notification saying their assignment was rejected/returned for revisions.
If you receive a notification that your assignment was rejected, go back to that assignment by clicking the headline in the dashboard or story list view. For the written story, you may find the comments or suggestions directly in the Google Doc, although the editor could also note them in the chat or on the notes. For all other assignment types the editor should note the necessary revisions in either the notes or chat for the person assigned to that item to see. Once corrections have been made, the staff member should re-submit the story to the workflow for review by the person or group that returned it for revisions.
After all assignments in a story have been approved by every level of the workflow, then your staff can publish the story to your Wordpress site. It is up to individual staffs to decide who is responsible for publishing approved pieces to Wordpress. Whoever is assigned that task must be granted permission to do so on their FLOW user profile.
Note: For those submitting audio or video, if the file is on a shared network we recommend sharing the file path directory to the work in progress on the assignment notes, otherwise you might consult with the editors on the work in progress during work time before uploading a final product to a third party site (e.g. YouTube, Spotify, etc.).
Publishing to Wordpress
The person tasked with publishing the story to Wordpress should click the “Publish to Wordpress” button at the top of the assignment window. From there, they can add any secondary headlines, tags, categories, the writer’s job title, photos, and embed codes.
If there are multiple photos uploaded to that assignment, click the "Select Featured Image" button and select all of the images that you plan to display in the story. If you select multiple photos, FLOW will default to publishing those images as a featured image photo gallery. You can override that to display only one photo above or beside the story. As long as the other photos are selected they will be migrated over to your site and can then be placed into the story through the traditional add media method by selecting View Wordpress Post and logging into the site after the story is published.
To add a video or audio component to the story, make sure that the final video or audio product is uploaded to a third party hosting site (e.g. YouTube, Spotify, Vimeo, etc.), then get the embed code for that uploaded media file from that service. Toggle to the Video portion of the Integration Preview window and paste the embed code there.
Once all of the information is entered in the publishing box, those with the Publish Stories to WordPress or Send Stories to WordPress permissions can either select Publish Now or Create a WordPress Draft. Select Publish Now if no additional work is required – the story will only contain the featured image/multimedia and text. If you plan to add secondary images or SNO Story Elements, select Create a Wordpress Draft, then select the “View Wordpress Post” button once the story is migrated over to add those additional components before publishing the story.
Archiving a Published Story
Completed stories that are not archived count towards the maximum number of stories* that you can have on FLOW at a given time, so make sure to archive them as soon as they are complete. To archive a story, reopen it and select the Archive Story button in the upper left corner. This will remove the story from the story list view, but it can still be seen by selecting “include archived stories” from the filter menu on the story list view.
Note: Default FLOW accounts are allowed 100 active stories - more can be purchased by submitting a support ticket, but archiving completed stories can prevent you from reaching this cap.