When it comes to video production, audio often gets overlooked. Visual elements tend to command our attention and it’s easy to push sound to the back burner.
However, getting good audio is a critical part of video storytelling. Sound can help spark our imaginations and transport your viewer deeper into your story. For that reason, it’s important not to skip it.
In This Lesson
Capturing Sound for Video
- The importance of sound in video storytelling
- Different types of microphones and how to position them
- Types of sounds: Interview clips, voiceovers, natural sounds, and ambient sounds
- Practice identifying different types of sounds in action
[Click here to view and use the Google Slide Presentation “Capturing Sound for Video”]
Name Natural Sound Opportunities
Out of the four primary types of sound, natural sound is often the most overlooked. Although these sounds may be subtle or nuanced, they can help your stories come alive in a way that visuals alone cannot. In this activity, students will be asked to come up with potential natural sound bites to support three different story ideas. They will also consider different microphone options and microphone placement, helping build up their audio skills for future video projects.
[Click here to view and print the Google Doc handout “Name Natural Sound Opportunities”]