At various points throughout your school year it may become necessary to remove a user's access to FLOW, and subsequently, their access to your publication's shared FLOW Google Drive folder.
To do this, start by navigating to the Settings tab in FLOW, then click on "Google Drive Integration." At that point, you'll see a message telling you which Google Docs account FLOW is authenticated to, as well as a button to "View FLOW Google Drive Folder." Click on that button to proceed.
You should then be taken to the Google Docs interface where all of your school's FLOW stories are stored. Click on the icon of two people near the top of the screen to see who the folder is currently shared with.
Identify the staff member who's access you would like to remove from the folder. Click on the "Editor" role to the right of their name, and then select "Remove" from the list of dropdown options. At this point, that student will no longer be able to access those shared documents, preventing future interference issues.