Understanding Your Homepage
The homepage of your SNO site is comprised of various elements that are each customizable.
From the top down, they are:
Your Homepage Content
The top of your homepage displays your header. This usually consists of your site name (either as text or a graphic logo), a navigation menu, a search element, and other elements of your choosing.
To customize the layout and elements in your site’s header, you will use the Site Designer.
Widget Areas & Widgets
Most of what you see on your homepage below your header area are Widgets, which are essentially blocks of content displaying whatever you want, such as newspaper sections or categories, stories, polls, videos, ads, graphics, etc.
Your homepage is structured by placing Widgets into Widget Areas, which you can think of as dedicated areas that contain and shape the widgets you choose to place in them. For example, you can drag the same widget from a narrow widget area into a wider widget area and it will automatically adjust to fit the new widget area perfectly. You can configure your site’s widget areas using the Site Designer.
Once you’ve mapped out your widget areas, you can place and design the widgets using the Widget Control Panel. You get to choose which widgets go into each widget area. Widgets can be rearranged, edited, or removed from the homepage via the Widget Control Panel.
The bottom of your homepage displays your footer. This typically consists of your site name, a condensed version of your navigation menu, a search element, and other elements of your choosing.
To customize the layout and elements in your site’s footer, you will use the Site Designer.