Found under the Appearance menu in your site's dashboard, Design Backups store a copy of all widget configurations (homepage, custom widget category pages, mobile homepage widget area, etc...), as well as all options on the SNO Design Options page.
It is a good idea to create a new Design Backup after any major changes to your site's design, so that you can restore this backup at any time, if needed.
Restoring a Design Backup will change all of your widget configurations and SNO Design Options back to the settings at the time the backup was created. You can also use Design Backups to store multiple designs of your site, and easily switch between these designs.
Note: Any unstarred or unnamed design backups that are more than a year old will automatically be removed from your site. If you want to save your design backup for longer than a year, make sure to click the star icon or click the tag icon and give it a name.
Design Backups
To restore a previous design:
- Hover over Appearance on the left side of your Dashboard, then choose Design Backups.
- Locate the backup you would like to restore in the list, then click on the “Restore Design” button on the right side of your desired backup.
To create a new design backup:
- Hover over Appearance on the left side of your Dashboard, then choose Design Backups.
- Click the big orange "Create New Design Backup" button. The system will create a backup of everything from your Widget Control Panel at this moment, along with everything currently in place in your SNO Design Options.
- Optional: Click the tag icon, type in a name for this backup, then press enter.
- Optional: Click the star on this design if it is a memorable or important Design Backup.
Design Backups are NOT site backups -- they do not store your stories, photos, or categories. If you accidentally delete stories, photos, or categories and need to get them back, SNO does maintain daily backups of your site -- please contact SNO Support if you need assistance with content restoration.
Design Options Revision History
You can restore previous design options using the Design Options Revision History tool. This option is found at the bottom of your SNO Design Options page and will automatically create a restoration point each time you click the blue Save All Settings button.
Every time the design options on this page are saved, a new revision entry is created. To restore a previous design, click the Restore link next to the timestamp. This option restores all options on this page in addition to menu locations. It does NOT restore widget settings or configurations.
This function is handy if you've ever hoped for an "undo" button on your site, as you can simply click the most recent time stamp to revert back to your previous settings. You can also name these entries by clicking the Tag button, as well as star them for added emphasis.