Changing Fonts
You can change the font on any part of your site. To change a font just go to the Fonts section of the SNO Design Options page under the Appearance tab in the WordPress dashboard. Choose the font you want from the dropdown menu and click Save All Settings. To see your font in action click the View Sample button to see what it looks like. Learn how to change fonts on your story pages here.
Adding New Fonts
SNO uses Google fonts. Non-Google Fonts are not allowed and will not work on your site. To add any font from the Google database of fonts to your site, simply go to the Fonts section of the SNO Design Options page under the Appearance tab in the WordPress dashboard and click the Search Font Library button. After you have decided on a font, add the name of the font you want added in the box below the button (be sure the name, case, and spacing of the font name are exact). Click Save and the font you added will now appear at the bottom of all of the font drop down menus. Follow the instructions above to change the various elements of your site to this font.
Font Weights Defined
Font-weight defines the thinness or thickness of a font. The ranges are 100 to 900. Normal font is 400. 700 is bold. So 900 would be an "extra bold" and a 100 would be an "extra light". Some font types have fewer weight options than others, so be sure you only choose a weight that is available in that font type's library. You can see which weights each font allows in the Google Font library here.
Some Fun Google Fonts to Try
Below is a list of some good looking and interesting Google Fonts that you may want to try and add to your site.
Frank Ruhl Libre
Libre Baskerville
Gentium Basic
Crimson Text
DM Serif Text
Yeseva One
EB Garamond
Patua One
Bree Serif
Sans Serif
Work Sans
Noto Sans
Bebas Neue
Cantata One
Fjalla One
Russo One
Fira Sans
Squada One
Unica One
Julius Sans One
Francois One
Secular One