Your SNO website comes equipped with a Sports Scores widget that will scroll through recent scores you've entered under the Sports Scores tab in your site's dashboard.
Read on to learn more about how to utilize this feature!
1. Adding Sports
The first step is to add all your sports teams to your site's sports center directory. This will look a lot like adding a new category, as it uses the same framework. In your site's dashboard, hover on Sports Scores and click Sports. From there, simply add your sports team names.
2. Adding Scores
Your next step will be to add scores from games recently played from all your sports. This is simple but can take some time. Simply click Add Sports Score under the Sports Scores tab in your site's dashboard and fill out the form.
3. Displaying Scores
The final step will be to actually display the scores you've added to your site so your readers can see them. This is done using the SNO Sports Score Carousel, found under the Widget Control Panel (Appearance -> Widgets).
The SNO Sports Score Carousel can be found in the list of Available Widgets on the left-hand side of the Widget Control Panel. Drag it to any widget area on the right-hand side of the Widget Control Panel. Click Save to pull up the configuration options. Some of those options include, renaming the title of the widget (e.g. Blue Hawk Sports Results), setting your school name (e.g. Exeter Blue Hawks), number of scores that will scroll, as well as how many scores are visible, the slide duration, direction, and transition time.
*Note: This widget looks best in more narrow widget areas, rather than really wide widget areas. Also, if you are a Sports Center subscriber, Game Scheduler will replace the Sports Scores section in your dashboard.